Question: When I start TJPingPro, I see a message about a Winsock error.

Answer: Upon startup, TJPingPro tries to start the Winsock services necessary for it to function. This error means that either Winsock is not installed on your computer, or that there is an error with your Winsock installation. Make sure that you have the TCP/IP protocol installed by going to "Control Panel" and "Network" and looking for TCP/IP as one of the installed protocols. If you can’t figure out why you are receiving this error, please consult your System Administrator or Technical Support at your Internet Service Provider for assistance.

Question: When I start TJPingPro, I get the following Error Dialog Box about API functions not being located.

ICMP Whine

Figure 48 – API Functions Error Dialog Box

Answer: TJPingPro requires that either of the files IPHLPAPI.DLL or ICMP.DLL be present in the %Windows_Install_Directory%\System or the %Windows_Install_ Directory%\System32 directory. Normally, Windows installs these files automatically when you install the TCP/IP protocol. Make sure that you have the TCP/IP protocol installed by going to "Control Panel" and "Network" and looking for TCP/IP as one of the installed protocols. If TCP/IP is installed, and you still don’t have IPHLPAPI.DLL or ICMP.DLL, you can download them from the Top Jimmy® Software webpage at:

If your Windows installation resides on a hard drive besides "C:", you will need to put a copy of IPHLPAPI.DLL or ICMP.DLL in your TJPingpro directory in order for TJPingPro to find it.

For more technical support, go to the Top Jimmy Software Tech Support link at the Top Jimmy Software website,

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